Wednesday, October 15, 2008


looking at the university rankings for 2008, Malaysian universities seems to still struggle in the eyes of the world. Forget targeting to be the top 200 best universities (for now). Local university should start to strengthen it's credibility within Malaysia first. We should be listening from all corners off Malaysia, from our local Malaysian community from the cities to those in the kampungs talking about university's contribution to the community. Yes there are a few, but a few is not enough.. instead of targeting for gold, silver and bronze or 1st, 2nd and third, universities should concentrate on local development.. how to breed better cows..or how to have 4 harvest of paddy in a year.. or how to reduce local to have the community involve.. how can we solve the problems of the world, when the problems in our own country are being neglected. what is the use of having slogans with the being global, international, or world class, when simple national issues are not dealt with... these are challenges to people in institution like myself.. i am not talking about change but about going back to the primary purpose of a university, which was to serve national development.

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