Saturday, August 9, 2008


In New Zealand, the meat of deers are called venison. Elsewhere venison are the meat of hunted animals from the wild, but here in New Zealand, they breed them like sheep and cows. Venison is said to be a really healthy meat because of its low fat content and high in iron. When it comes to marketing, venison are not that so popular due to the fact that it looses its colour within a very short time period. So currently, the best method of promoting venison is let the consumer know that venison, if discoloured are still fresh.

Currently, I am working out to understand the meat microbiological system of meat. So if you've read the bible of meat scientist "Lawrie's Meat Science", in the 6th edition, there is a statement which says venison can be readily hung for quite some time without due precaution, which in other words, something is preventing the attacks of microbes. There's not many research, but they have observed that venison after quite sometime, its surface bacterial load has no significant change when compared to beef which had a tremendous increase of bacteria within the same period.

here is where i be coming in, i am currently working on a meat system to study the phenomena, which after sometime i found it is real (really) hard and complicated. theres a few possibilities though that i may need to go through before i settle on a possible study system, which once i have completed, i might post it sometime later.

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