Thursday, October 16, 2008


Parliament: Cops scared of crooks, so base closed! (from the star)

KUALA LUMPUR: A police beat base in the Chow
Kit area of downtown Kuala Lumpur was closed down because it was in a
location that was considered unsafe
, said Home Minister Datuk
Seri Syed Hamid Albar.

(police also unsafe...what has become of this
country of mine)

In a written reply to Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohamad Ghazali (PAS-Titiwangsa), Syed
Hamid said the beat base was located in a dirty
area where there was a possibility of being exposed to contagious diseases.

(DIRTY area...than clean it up laa)

The presence of criminals also posed a threat to the safety of police
officers, he said.

(who is chasing who? police chase criminals or
criminal chase police?) the rest you read laa, and make your own assumption..make malaysian police more MALU olready, now this..aisyemen...

Lo’ Lo’ had asked why the beat base on Jalan Haji Taib was closed
considering the high number of vice-related activities in the area, as well
as what kind action had been taken by the police to curb such activities.

Syed Hamid said that the police were looking for a new location to build
a police beat base that would be able to give “guaranteed and continued
service to the public.”

Lo’ Lo’s was the 30th question in the Order Paper and hence did not get a
mention in the House during the daily one-hour Question Time. However, Dr
Mohd Hatta Ramli (PAS-Kuala Krai) managed to raise it when he interjected
during Azmin Ali’s (PKR-Gombak) speech during the debate on Budget 2009.

Dr Mohd Hatta said that if the police themselves felt unsafe in a beat
base, then it would be even worse for the public.

“The minister has to resign if he is worried about the safety of police
in that area. Maybe it would be better to put the beat base in army
barracks,” he said.

Dr Mohd Hatta then managed to raise the issue again during his own debate
on Budget 2009 saying that Syed Ali’s response was not rational.

“The police are there to make a place safe. If they themselves are scared
and run away, then how can we hope for others to want to be there?

“It is embarassing and that is why the criminals will always be there,”
he said.

Dr Mohd Hatta said if the place is dirty, then it is up to the police to
organise gotong-royong activities to clean it up or if they did not want to
then they should move to Putrajaya or Parliament.

“And what is this about contagious diseases on Jalan Haji Taib? The only
kind of contagious diseases that are present there are sexually-transmitted

“Is the minister scared that his charges will contract such diseases?
That kind of thing is a matter of choice. In any case, if this is what he is
worried about then we are worried that the police are not above this.”

Dr Mohd Hatta added that the police had to be brave people and that they
were a different breed altogether when facing demonstrators. He said he
hoped that the minister would clarify his written answer in the House as
this is not the kind of police that the people want.

in conclusion, Malaysia is in need of brave police officers... so calling
all out there, if you are brave, because our current police force is no
longer brave enough (my understanding from what the minister said).. no hard
feeling to officers, i sugeest you stand up and be counted, we dont want
your leaders to be a chicken, it makes you look bad..real bad..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Im rich..

PTPTN was created to help aspiring Malaysian to further their study in local universities.. but it seems most students have misused the fund.. those who have studied in local universities would know what what im talking about. what most students do with their loans every semester is to 1)change to a newer, trendier, hi-tech handphone (and topup too) 2)buy those branded items (shoes,skirts, jeans, handbags, perfume (even employed people cant afford) etc.. 3) go have fun at genting, a farmosa 4)eat at trendy places (kenny rogers, nando me already trendy, even mcD also) 5)entertainment (mp3/4, handhelds games etc)... 6) ....(you can just add, movie, blah blah)..

what the money is not used for is
1) buy textbooks
2) buy motivational books
3) attend enhancement course (study, motivation)
4)buy simple present for mum and dad
5) and buy more books

the trend is almost the same in all local private or public higher education institution..

why we should be worried is that these students will one day be amongst us, some will be key decision makers, some senior leaders, and if not all will be mother and father.. the implication is prioritizing... what these student loan holders dont understand is that they are taking loans..and loans is not yours for keeps, but borrowed money..if a person who borrows money, and not feel like he is borrowing, and has been getting them every year for 3-4 years, what would be the end result?
not only that, did you know, most of these loan holders have another access to more money once their loan for a certain semester runs out..which is MBF (mak bapak finance), so they still dont feel the pressure of still owing money (thats why there are a lot of cases friends borrowed from friends, cant pay, and friendship broken..its not that they cant pay, but because they are used to having money being given and are not bothered)... No wonder there are a lot of young people who are bankrupt, because they are used to living on credit...

please and please, if you are a loan holder..that money you are using, you have to pay back, which is usually higher than the amount you borrowed.. for parents, guardian or whoever, teach these loan holders, self management and prioritizing and let them know, the money is not yours and you have to pay it back.. one simple simulation is to create a budgeting scenario for such students.. write down the cost to pay for monthly for an apartment, bills, topups, shopping, 3 decent meals per day, petrol (or bus/train/lrt rides), study loans, and maybe car or motor loan, and what ever you think is let say for a graduate with a bachelor degree..fresh, if you are lucky you might get 2K (but the majority would be around 1.6K-1.8k, but theres some who are still jobless).. when you calculate that, in the end, you would be living on deficits.. so backtrack, crossing out shoppings, and renting (maybe sharing a flat of 10-20 people), meals are now only cheap food stall, no more phone calls but sms, wake up early morning and take the bus to work..and if theres savings you be lucky.. but what if you want to get married (no wonder people are getting married in their 30s, no money laa), expense will became much higher, babies, children.. yes your paycheck might became bigger (if you are really good)... but are you going to live like that for most of your life? that is the purpose of understanding priority..and it should start before you step into the working world...

so dont waste your ptptn coz no body will P-T (p The eNd) you..


looking at the university rankings for 2008, Malaysian universities seems to still struggle in the eyes of the world. Forget targeting to be the top 200 best universities (for now). Local university should start to strengthen it's credibility within Malaysia first. We should be listening from all corners off Malaysia, from our local Malaysian community from the cities to those in the kampungs talking about university's contribution to the community. Yes there are a few, but a few is not enough.. instead of targeting for gold, silver and bronze or 1st, 2nd and third, universities should concentrate on local development.. how to breed better cows..or how to have 4 harvest of paddy in a year.. or how to reduce local to have the community involve.. how can we solve the problems of the world, when the problems in our own country are being neglected. what is the use of having slogans with the being global, international, or world class, when simple national issues are not dealt with... these are challenges to people in institution like myself.. i am not talking about change but about going back to the primary purpose of a university, which was to serve national development.